I’ve Graduated from NEC… with the Chadwick Medal in Tow!

Nell Receives NEC's Chadwick Medal
Nell Receives NEC's Chadwick Medal. Photo by Jeff Thiebauth.
President Tony Woodcock Presents Nell with Her Diploma.
NEC's President Tony Woodcock Presents Nell with Her Diploma. Photo by Jeff Thiebauth.

At Commencement, I was thrilled to be presented with the George Whitefield Chadwick Medal: the highest honor bestowed upon an undergraduate at NEC. The Chadwick Medal recipient is selected by members of NEC’s faculty and administration and is presented “to a graduating senior whose entire record of achievement has been most distinguished in the candidates major field, supplementary studies, extracurricular activities, and good citizenship” (according to the Commencement program).

The Chadwick medal is one of several honors that the Conservatory has presented me with–including the Presser Scholar Award, which was announced at the Convocation ceremony last fall and was accompanied by a $4,800 prize.