Tenor, baritone, electric guitar, and piano. 4 1/2 mins.
Selection from Sauntering Songs: a concert-length cantata on the theme of walking, commissioned by Skylark Vocal Ensemble.
Lyrics by Nell Shaw Cohen.
Sensitivity Consultant: Dr. Kassandra Ford (Website).

Perusal Score
Performance score available for purchase. Please direct inquiries to Nell Shaw Cohen at nell@nellshawcohen.com.
Program Note
Two friends stroll in a suburb, identifying birds together.
“Rare Bird” is a selection from Sauntering Songs: a concert-length cantata on the theme of walking, commissioned by Skylark Vocal Ensemble. The lyrical works of author, poet, and wildlife biologist J. Drew Lanham were the animating inspiration behind this duet, including my use of the title phrase; alongside essays by Carolyn Finney and Evelyn C. White, among others, about their experiences of being Black outdoors.
This duet is dedicated to walkers for whom being outdoors alone isn’t always safe.
Performance History
Visit the Sauntering Songs page for performance history.